Autistics and Is Spoon Theory Applicable?

Autism is a disability.

One that can have many aspects such as executive dysfunctions, the daily experience of bullying and targeting, trauma from normalisations and dehumanisations, sensitivity-originated meltdowns, hiding, masking, burnout, pre-catatonia and catatonia, syncope and exhaustion, demand impacts, depersonalisations and disassociations, and emotional drainings in many forms.  One that far too often ends in early death.

Spoons theory can assist so many autistics to mindfully ration their physical, emotional, and psychosocial strength/energy to avoid these many many risks of stark emptying.  And explain what they have not succeeded in doing, to those pushing them without any understanding.

Spoon's theory so often lends itself to be a way to both limit taking on too much, and to planning to get the best out of surprisingly limited resources for the day ahead.

Autistic's who experience others that empathetically comprehend and make solid allowances for our limitations tend to form a special attachment to such important people in their lives, and it is important to remember that just a small jump from the depths of human loneliness, lies the experience of another loneliness, that of being left bereft of consideration of the pain and limits you face all day long and every day, an abyss of incomprehension.

I am so thankful to Christina for her Spoons theory/analogy that so brilliantly explains the very real limits of resources, of communication, of movement, of organisation, of sensory availability, of social preparedness, and of intellectual energy that I and other autistics here daily have, or I would be here answering questions much more often.